We've just had our Open Day!

On Sunday the 8th of December 2019, Dulwich International High School Suzhou held the first open day of this academic year. The event was a great success with around 800 parents and prospective students attending. After a warm welcome from the Director and an introduction to the school by our Principal, parents enjoyed an enchanting performance by our students and were given a detailed look at the admissions process. This was followed by two student ambassadors sharing their experience at Dulwich.

The student ambassadors then did a great job of guiding visitors around the school to consultation areas as well as subject classrooms, answering questions and providing advice. In the dining hall, parents could consult different departments, including Admissions, Counselling, Friends of Dulwich, Co-curricular Activities, Week without Walls, Sustainability & Service, Extended Project, Boarding, and Student Wellbeing. In each subject classroom, teaching staff in every department were on hand to answer any questions and provide expertise in their individual subject areas. In order to make the event even more fun, each head of department created a multiple choice question for their subject that formed part of a 15 question quiz that visitors where invited to complete in order to win a Dulwich gift!

As well as meeting subject teachers, visitors were also taken on a detailed tour of the Dulwich International High School Suzhou boarding facilities. The day was a great success at showcasing the combination of our amazing students, inspiring faculty and excellent resources. It also highlighted the outstanding exam results that our students achieve that helps to give them access to prestigious colleges and universities around the world. The tour of the boarding facilities showed how boarding provides structure and routine in students’ lives and creates a focused environment that actively enhances their studies.

Parents and prospective students were also given the opportunity to win a Dulwich gift and a limited edition Dulwich bear once they met the requirements. They were very happy to bring home a Dulwich souvenir after a fun and meaningful day!