Counselling & Matriculations
Preparing our Students for International Universities
All students at Dulwich International High School Programme Suzhou expect to attend universities outside of China and we take great care in preparing our students for their university applications. The university application process abroad is considerably more complex than the equivalent process in China; all our students attend classes and workshops that prepare them thoroughly to make informed best choices about the next stage of their educational journey.
Providing a safe bridge for our students
Dulwich International High School Programme Suzhou is the safe bridge for our students to the university of their choice and we have a team of expert university counsellors to provide students and their parents with specific careers advice, practical help and support. From the time each student joins us, our counsellors work with him or her on a regular basis to map out an individual guidance plan to achieve a university place that fits their aims and suits their abilities. Our counsellors spend time with each student and their parents in individual sessions during the application process. Parents are also provided with support and information that helps them to become actively involved in the process. We hold various information sessions throughout the year and counsellors are available to talk to parents face-to-face on an appointment basis or by phone. By the end of Year 12, students will not only have selected their best-fit universities, but they will have also gained skills in research, analytical thinking and public speaking.

Strong Links with Universities Around the World
Furthermore, we bring universities to our students. Our counsellors have strong links with a wide range of excellent universities around the world and host visits to our school from the admission officers of over 100 of those universities throughout the year. Students are able to spend time with these admission officers to discuss the courses they offer, as well as to find out general information about the college or university they represent.
The proof of the excellent systematic support our students receive is the success our graduating students gain in admission to top universities.
Our students go on to attend top research universities, liberal arts colleges, speciality universities and art schools around the world, including Oxford, Cambridge and other universities in the Russell Group in the U.K.; the Ivy League universities in the U.S., and McGill in Canada.