SE21 provides a great example of how, at Dulwich International High School Programme Suzhou, we prepare our students for a future that is fundamentally indefinable. SE21 means many different things, but it brings all of these separate elements together with synergy. So what is SE21?
S Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths
E Entrepreneurship from an Environmental Sustainable Perspective
21 Developing 21st Century Skills in our Approaches to Learning (ATL)
SE21 is also the postcode for Dulwich College, the founding school in the Dulwich group.
SE21 is a project-based course that uses a hands-on approach to introduce STEAM and Entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of the 21st century. This course provides the students opportunities to think critically and to problem solve that promote higher order thinking skills and teamwork skills that will prepare students for the 21st Century world of work. This utilizes the basic concepts of robotics, internet of things (IoT), coding and computer science, electronics and programming focusing on the construction, graphics design and digital fabrication of various projects. Students will work in groups to build and test increasingly complex real-world problems in an end-of-term they will present a solution.
SE21 is part of the Dulwich vision of education in the 21st Century. It has a comprehensive agenda with very ambitious goals:
- SE21 is more than just a collection of simple activities, Programmes or spaces. We believe that students will only be able to develop the skills and dispositions to successfully engage in life beyond graduation by actively participating in a transformative learning culture
- SE21 looks forward to the future beyond university and encompasses a variety of opportunities both within and outside the curriculum that focuses on project-based learning with experiential, real-world applications.
- Teamwork is a feature that is prominent in SE21, as effective collaboration is the key to success in the future. We hope to create a better world by innovating in both the products and process of student learning. We want sustainability and integrity to underpin the way that our students engage with the world beyond school so that they are worldwise contributors to life, not just consumers.
Our students need to develop a broad portfolio of skills and character strengths in order to be purposeful and fulfilled in both work and life. By collaborating with other schools across the Dulwich group, our students are able to improve their verbal and nonverbal abilities as they develop better intercultural skills.