Director's Welcome
Dear Dulwich International High School Students
It is my pleasure to welcome you back to the 2019-2020 school year. I hope you have had some time to rest, relax and, most importantly, reflect over the summer break and come back with renewed energy and enthusiasm to not only meet, but exceed the goals and expectations you have set yourselves this year.
Now in our eighth year, we look forward to building further on the excellent foundations laid in the previous seven years. Our graduating cohort have once again achieved excellent results in their A-Level exams and have gone on to world-leading institutions. Our graduating students continue to enhance the reputation of our school, not only for the universities and colleges they go to, but for the fact that they have followed their interests and passions and found their school of best fit.
We hope you, as returning students, continue this tradition and understand that thriving in life and going on to make a positive difference in the world comes not just from outstanding academic grades, but from developing yourself as a person and finding out what drives and motivates you. We believe the Co-curricular programme here on offer at Dulwich International High School Suzhou allows you to do just that. Whether it is a standard CCA, a student-led CCA, the wide array of sport, music, drama and cultural activities, or one of the many, many Dulwich College International events that include all schools across the network, we believe that all students can find something that will inspire them and allow them to develop an interest. As I have said many times before, school is what you make it. What you get out of your time in school is largely determined by what you put into it and you should make the best possible use of the opportunities on offer.
We are also very clear in our vision that all students are known and cared for. We want our school to be place where you are accepted, feel a part of, are happy to be at and proud to attend. Organisational relationships is an important part of our school focus for this year and throughout the year you will see different initiatives happening that try and embed this culture of belonging more deeply in our school. If, for any reason, you are not feeling a part of our school community, then please speak to someone that you feel comfortable talking to. My door is always open for students who would like to chat.
It is also timely at the beginning of the year to remember that our school is a community and, as such, all members have certain rights. As a student in our community, for example, you have the right to access outstanding teaching, you have the right to be free from bullying and intimidation, you have the right to pursue your passions and interests, and you have the right to receive excellent university counselling advice, to name just a few. However, with those rights come responsibilities. For our community to function effectively and for all members to feel valued and feel an equal part of it, then these responsibilities have to be met. I would ask that you adhere to the high expectations we set for behaviour so that this happens.
I am looking forward to a great year with our entire school community and I hope the year will be a productive one for you filled with many positive experiences, both inside and outside the classroom.
Best wishes for a wonderful start to the year,
Campbell Douglas