All the Dulwich Schools have a House system. Every student is allocated to a House. It is a tradition that encourages a fierce but healthy loyalty. By extension our parents are also members of their child’s house.

There are inter-House teams and individual competitions in numerous academic, sports and cultural activities including drama, art, public speaking, basketball and football to name a few. Each event has points awarded for participation and winning.

The points awarded are accumulated until the end of the school year, when the Inter-House Trophy is awarded to the winning House. The Houses also compete annually for the Sports Day Trophy.

The main functions of the House system are:

  • To encourage interaction and collaboration amongst peers;
  • To build relationships in groups other than classes;
  • To provide opportunities to get involved in competitions;
  • To give students membership of and an identity with a smaller community within the school that includes all year groups;
  • To develop a sense of belonging to and a tutor group, and a house group and to encourage whole school spirit at DHSZ.

A staff Head of House is supported by two House Captains in each year, leads each House.

