Open Day a Stunning Success
Saturday 16th October was Open Day at Dulwich International High School Suzhou! Despite the wet weather, everyone that came thoroughly enjoyed it, and the day was a great success.
After a short introduction from Ms. Wang, our head of admissions, the day began with an enchanting piano performance from our Director of Performing Arts, Mr. Mulliner.

Director, Sarah Tielman and Principal Sharon Zhang took to the stage to explain what makes our school so unique. The 300 visiting families in attendance were then given a detailed look at our school’s admissions process by Ms. Wang.

The ceremony then took a musical interlude to showcase the amazing talent growing in our school’s music department, with two outstanding performances from a couple of the contenders in our Young Musician of the Year Competition.

Ms. Wang then clarified some further points relating to admissions, before introducing three Dulwich International High School Suzhou Alumni, who each delivered a short speech to the large audience about their experiences at Dulwich. Our Worldwise Alumni network is a great source of pride to us and is something that is very special to our established group of schools.

Families were then invited to explore the school. Our student ambassadors were on hand to guide visitors around the school to consultation areas as well as subject classrooms, where visitors could ask questions and receive advice from our experienced subject teachers. In the dining hall, parents of prospective students were able to consult with a wide range of departments and organizations within the school. These included:
- Admissions
- Counseling
- Co-curricular Activities
- Week Without Walls
- Friends of Dulwich
- The Extended Project
- Boarding
- Wellbeing

In each subject classroom, teaching staff from every department were on hand to answer questions and provide expertise in their individual subject areas. In order to make the event even more entertaining, each department were adding a stamp to a score card to complete in order to win a Dulwich Mystery box or a Dulwich Bear!

As well as meeting subject teachers, visitors were also given the option of taking a short bus ride to tour the boarding facilities at our Shackleton and Bancroft boarding houses. The day showcased a powerful combination of our amazing students, inspirational faculty, and the excellent resources we offer our students. The tour of the boarding facilities demonstrated how boarding provides a structure and routine to students lives that creates a focused environment that actively enhances their studies.

This is what our director, Sarah Tielman had to say about the day, echoing the sentiments of staff, faculty members, parents, and prospective pupils.

"What an amazing open day we had on Saturday! Despite the rainy weather, we had a huge turnout of around 400 prospective parents and students. Although I have only been to two open days so far, this was by far the best and even open day veterans noted that this was one of, if not, the best we have had!"