5 tips to help you study successfully online

The namesake of the boys’ boarding house, Earnest Shackleton, was a former Dulwich College London student and early 20th Century explorer.

In 1914-16 he and his crew set off to the Antarctic. It was a failed attempt as ice trapped the ship. Despite the ship not going anywhere, Shackleton kept a strict routine, having the men carry out routine tasks, eating at set times and socializing with each other after dinner. These activities helped in reducing anxiety and disengagement.

In learning from Shackleton, we have put together some tips to help over this period of online learning. 

Tip 1 – Create and keep a routine

Routines provide a sense of structure, stability, and control. Parents and students know what to expect and when.

Getting up, getting dressed and being ready for the start of tutor time will set the tone for the day, being in a routine will improve learning. Parents should ensure their children are up, dressed and ready for school.

Tip 2 – Get a good night’s sleep for maximum learning potential

For students who have lived in boarding, they know that lights out should be at 10:30pm with devices put away. Sleep is an essential factor in achieving a healthy mind and wellbeing. Getting enough sleep boosts the immune system and helps you avoid illnesses. Sleep helps consolidate the memories made during the day. If there are unhealthy sleep habits, it is likely to affect the brain’s capacity to retain the learning done.

Tip 3 – Have a healthy relationship with devices

It is appreciated that many students will socialize online after sessions of being online for their lessons. However, encourage set times when devices are not used.

Identify during the day, “work time”, “friend time”, “family time” and “downtime”. Screen time should not substitute for sleep and active time.

Tip 4 – Be active

One of the biggest issues with devices is that we usually sit still while they watch or interact with them. Extended time sitting leads to changes in the body’s metabolism. Ensure there is time in the day for physical activity. Try and get up at least once an hour, go outside and have a walk or run or play sports.

Tip 5 – Create a learning space

Have a dedicated home learning space for studying. It can develop creativity, sharpen focus, and increase motivation to read and learn. This will ensure consistency and routine.   

If you need support, please reach out to someone at school. We can help. Mental and physical wellbeing is just as important as academic learning.